We Research and analysis functions may include budget tracking and financial forecasting, project evaluation and monitoring, maintaining compliance with corporate and public regulations, and performing any data analysis relevant to project tasks.
The kickoff meeting is to formally notify all team members, clients, and stakeholders that the project has begun and make sure everyone has a common understanding of the project and their roles.
Our team members maintain clarity and correctness of information that they exchange with client and uphold that among managers and leaders.
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) management model keeps communication between work sites simple, prevents problems from being addressed multiple times at different points in the supply chain, and ultimately saves a lot of time and money over the course of a project.
This technology is used to ensure that our target audience is presented with information or the ability to react to information across multiple channels.
We clearly drawup the project detail which is easily accessible for everyone so that the people gain the present state of work overflow.
All team members at Gowebez ensures that information security and privacy risks are identified, assessed, addressed and managed as an integral part of a project to keep it within our office
We use modern project management tools like Jira, GitLab and Hubstaff to increase the work efficiency and accessibility.
Our Proactive project managers focus their efforts and attention on the long-term as opposed to being reactive in the present moment.
According to client's convinence we schedule meetings on weekly and fortnightly basis and we maintain regular review of our project.
We send a project status report to the client to share what has been developed and what’s pending and to know the feedback and any changes if required in between.
We respect client suggestions and opinions in the project development and make corrections that are listed by client whenever they need it to be done .